Friday, November 23, 2012

Smile Because it Happened

My friend Shani always says "Don't cry because its over, smile because it happened." I know she is quoting Dr. Seuss but when I repeat it in my head, it is always Shani's voice. It's a great reminder for me though. I tend to get overly emotional at the end of any era (or vacation, or book, or movie). The image of Shani saying this to me has become a tool I use often to help put things into perspective.
I brought this tool out the first week of June. It was the last day of the school year. I always love the last day of means free time with my kids, beautiful weather, sleeping in, playing in the lake, family vacations, visits from family and friends, campfires....
This year was a little different though. My oldest child, Luci, graduated from elementary school and will move on to Middle School for fifth grade in the fall (unless I homeschool of course). Seems silly for me to greive at the end of a school year, I know, but it was such a good year for Luci. I loved her teacher. She is listed in my gratitude journal (#153). She knows Luci....she gets her. She really helped her excel in areas where she has struggled. She came to Luci's softball games. Not every teacher does that. So, anyway, I was already feeling a little sad in anticipation of this day. Then I heard about the "clap out".
 Apparently, every year, all the teachers and children of the school come out of their classrooms and line the hallways in applause while the graduating 4th graders walk through. Brad and I went to clap along. It was quite moving...yes I teared up! But I wasn't the only crying mom.,,,or child even. Fynn said he came out of his 1st grade class to clap as Luci walked by. When she saw him she gave him a high five. He turned around to go back into the classroom and burst into tears. 

Anyway, these obvious moments that mark the passing of time are what leave me feeling so emotional. They help me remember to cherish every moment. But I still need to hear Shani's voice in my head telling me not to cry because it's over but to smile because it happened.